I am not a professional nor an expert in Euphorbiaceae taxonomy. Any help with ID and spelling are always welcome. To up-date my list I've been using many books, journals, catalogs and other web-sites. It's been helpful, but I have more work to do. I only ship to the main 48 States. We do offer 72+ hour heat packs for $4.00 each. Please read the front page for ordering information.
Euphorbia & Family
Euphorbia abdelkuri m - The plant that looks like melting wax. Yellowish flowers. Abd al Kuri next to Socotra Island, Yemen. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 2 in stock @ $60.00 each.
Euphorbia aeruginose major m - Is a larger form of a small decorative shrub with branching bluish stems and blackish spines. Small yellow flowers. South Africa. Cuttings from our stock plants. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 6 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia aeruginose minor sm - Is a smaller form of a small decorative shrub with branching bluish stems and blackish spines. Small yellow flowers. South Africa. Cuttings from our stock plants. Growing in 2.75" pots. 19 in stock @ $10.00 each.
Euphorbia asthenacantha m -This mostly spineless shrub has 4-angled stems with nearly touching spine shields. The stems have a vaguely zig-zag marking of yellow-green blotching on a gray-green field. Flowers are yellow. Tanzania. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 2 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Euphorbia beharensis ssp. guillemetii sm - Is a shrublet with dark brow-green leaves that are sparsely arranged along the spiny branches. Makes fat roots in time that can be raised. With pinkish yellow-green flowers. Madagascar. Cuttings from our stock plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 3 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Euphorbia bougheyi m - Interesting because of the wavy, bright green branches that are 2- to 3-angled. The spines are small but sharp, and the flowers are yellow. Mozambique. Rooted cuttings from our mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 12 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia 'Sunrise' xlg #1 - Pretty wavering growth looks like a flowing streamer, pretty light-colored variegation. This one came to me as a Euphorbia bougheyi X Euphorbia grandicornis? Nursery origin. Growing in a 6" pot. 1 @ $65.00.
Euphorbia buruana sm - Is a caudiciform that puts out long, flexible branches. In the wild, these may be around 2-feet long. This form makes this plant an excellent candidate for a hanging pot culture. Branches are nicely variegated in green and yellow markings. Flowers are yellow and quite pretty. Kenya and Tanzania. Growing in 2.75" pots. 3 @ $15.00 each
Euphorbia bussei ssp. kibwezensis lg - Interesting crest! Grayish-green color makes of cool crest. Yellow flowers. Kenya and Tanzania. Cuttings from our mother plants. Growing in 4 1/2" pots. 6 in stock @ $35.00 each SOLD OUT
Euphorbia confinalis ssp. rhodesia sm - Is a striking columnar from. It's elegant pattern and delicate reddish spines are exceptional even amongst the vast euphorbiaceae family of plants. Give it lots of sun to really bring out the color in this one. South Africa and neighboring countries. Growing in 2.75" pots. 3 in stock @ $40.00 each.
Euphorbia cuprispina sm - As name implies, the spines on this shrubby euphorbia are copper-colored. This is one of the most beautiful of the spiny Euphorbias. Kenya. Growing in 2.75" pots. 1 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Euphoubia cylindrifolia ssp. cyndrifolia m - The ssp. cylindrifolia spreads by means of subterranean stolons rooting below ground. It is said to form a tuber as a seedling, but this is rarely observed in cultivation as that subspecies is easily propagated from cuttings, which only form fibrous roots. In tufted rosettes at the tips of the branches, dark reddish-green, fleshy, up 1" long, deeply channelled on upper side and bent into a hook at the tip. Large grey-violet to yellowish-pink flowers. Madagascar. Cuttings from our mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 6 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Euphorbia echinus sm - Sometimes found as Euphorbia officinarum subs. echinus. Is a spiny, cactus-like, succulent shrub densely branched from the base, so that they resemble a giant spiny hedgehog crouching the ground. Main stem (trunk) shorter than the branches. Spines turned upwards with a slight bow-shaped curve. Morocco. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 @ $15.00.
Euphorbia exceles monstrose xlg - Short stout trunks thickly populated with highly dividing ramous whorls branches with non-threatening tiny spine clusters along the routed to flattened stems. Not the large tree form- at all. Cutting from our mother plant. Growing in a 6" pot. 1 xlg in stock @ $38.00.
Euphorbia exceles monstrose m - Short stout trunks thickly populared with highly dividing ramours whorls branchlets with non-threatening tiny spine clusters along the routed to flatened stems. Not the large tree form- at all. Cuttings from our mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 2 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Euphorbia francoisii 'Select' #1 m - Eventually get large and form a caudex (a thick underground stem) that can be raised above the soil for aesthetic effect. The size and shape of the caudex will vary from plant to plant. Nursery origin. Seed grown. Growing in a 3 1/2" pot. #1 @ $40.00.
Euphorbia francoisii 'Select' #2 m - Eventually get large and form a caudex (a thick underground stem) that can be raised above the soil for aesthetic effect. The size and shape of the caudex will vary from plant to plant. Nursery origin. Seed grown. Seed grown. Growing in a 3 1/2" pot. #2 @ $40.00.
Euphorbia francoisii 'Select Form' #3 m - Eventually get large and form a caudex (a thick underground stem) that can be raised above the soil for aesthetic effect. The size and shape of the caudex will vary from plant to plant. Nursery origin. Seed grown. Growing in a 3 1/2" pot. #3 @ $40.00. SOLD
Euphorbia francoisii 'Select' #4 m - Eventually get large and form a caudex (a thick underground stem) that can be raised above the soil for aesthetic effect. The size and shape of the caudex will vary from plant to plant. Nursery origin. Seed grown. Seed grown. Growing in a 3 1/2" pot. #4 @ $40.00.
Euphorbia francoisii 'Select' #5 m - Eventually get large and form a caudex (a thick underground stem) that can be raised above the soil for aesthetic effect. The size and shape of the caudex will vary from plant to plant. Nursery origin. Seed grown. Seed grown. Growing in a 3 1/2" pot. #5 @ $40.00
Euphorbia francoisii 'Select' #6 m - Eventually get large and form a caudex (a thick underground stem) that can be raised above the soil for aesthetic effect. The size and shape of the caudex will vary from plant to plant. Nursery origin. Seed grown. Seed grown. Growing in a 3 1/2" pot. #6 @ $40.00 SOLD
Euphorbia francoisii 'Select' #7 m - Eventually get large and form a caudex (a thick underground stem) that can be raised above the soil for aesthetic effect. The size and shape of the caudex will vary from plant to plant. Nursery origin. Seed grown. Seed grown. Growing in a 3 1/2" pot. #7 @ $40.00
Euphorbia fruticosa green form xlg - Has yellow-green multifluted spiny stems, is stunning in bloom, when the tops of the columns are covered with yellow cyathia. Yemen. Cutting from our mother plant. Growing in a 6" pot. 1 @ $28.00.
Euphorbia fruticosa inermis lg - The last three of this spineless form. All the new growth will stay spineless. Nursery origin. These where cuttings form our old mother plant. Growing in 4 1/2" pots. 2 in stock $15.00 each.
Euphorbia fruticosa monstrose m - This is a monstrose blue form of Euphorbia fruticose. Reddish spined blobby stems. Small yellow flowers mostly in the spring. Makes a really cool monstrose plants. Needs well-draining soil and good bright light. Nursery origin. These are cuttings form our stock plants. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 4 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia fruticosa monstrose sm - This is a monstrose blue form of Euphorbia fruticose. Reddish spined blobby stems. Small yellow flowers mostly in the spring. Makes a really cool monstrose plants. Needs well-draining soil and good bright light. Nursery origin. These are cuttings from our stock plants. Growing in 2.75" pots. 8 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Euphorbia greenwayi m - Beautiful blue color with black spines. Offsets from the base. Good for hanging baskets. These are cuttings from our stock plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 10 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia hamata sm -Elongated or oblong tuber-like merging into stem. It is a thornless low-growing succulent, bushily branched from the base, sometimes forming large dense twisted masses with small green to reddish flowers at the growing points. I have grown these in the past and with some good pruning and good light they will make a nice succulent bonsai. Namibia to Namaqualand. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 @ $15.00 each.
Euphorbia horida/polyona monstrose m - Spickey club shape stems that offsets from the base. Nursery origin. These are cuttings from our stock plant. repotted into 3 1/2" pots. 1 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Euphorbia infausta sm - Came to me as Euphorbia infausta? Looks like the Euphorbia obesa X mammilaris that was great for grafting Euphorbia obesa crest and a few other Euphorbias. Nursery origin. 2 in stock @ $13.00 each.
Euphorbia jubata sm - Came to me with this name. Small stems, young shoots with leaves. Reddish flowers. Growing in 2.75" pots. 1 @ $13.00 each
Euphorbia kalisona m - Is a perennial medusoid succulent euphorbia forming spiny mounds to 1-2 m across, with sprawling cylindrical branches spreading from a thick central stem broader than high. The stems showing dark/light green longitudinal stripes are bears single long spines. The flowers are yellow. Main stems short, subterranean, the apex usually at ground-level with spiral tubercles, each axil from the apical growing point producing a persistent, tuberculate, spreading, lateral stem, sparsely rebranched when mature, green striped with yellow-green, with shallow tubercles. Ethiopia & Kenya. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 in stock @ $35.00 each.
Euphorbia knuthii xlg - Thin stems that come from tuberous root that can be raised. Southern Africa. These are cuttings from stock plant. Growing in 6' pots. 3 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia knuthii m - Thin stems that come from tuberous root that can be raised. Southern Africa. These are seed grown. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 3 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Euphorboa lactea HBG #1 xlg - An old friend of mine that I use to trade plants with sent me home with this plant labeled Euphorbia lactea HBG. It grows these flat two side stems with nice coloring. Nursery origin. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in a 6" pot. #1 @ $45.00.
Euphorbia lactea HBG #2- An old friend of mine that I use to trade plants with sent me home with this plant labeled Euphorbia lactea HBG. It grows these flat two side stems with nice coloring. Nursery origin. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in a 6" pot. #2 @ $45.00.
Euphorbia lydenbergensis m - Light green and no spines. Make lots of cool twist and turn crest. South Africa. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 5 in stock @ $85.00 each.
Euphorbia malevola crest #2 xlg- One of my favorite crest. Beautiful blue-gray coloring with black spines. Nursery origin. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in a 6" pot. #1 @ $120.00.
Euphorbia malevola crest lg - One of my favorite crest. Beautiful blue-gray coloring with black spines. Nursery origin. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in 4 1/2" pots. 3 @ $65.00 each.
Euphorbia malevola crest m - One of my favorite crest. Beautiful blue-gray coloring with black spines. Nursery origin. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 3 @ $50.00 each.
Euphorbia malevola crest tall m - One of my favorite crest. Beautiful blue-gray coloring with black spines. These are almost normal cuttings off the our mother. They do make crest. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Nursery origin. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 5 @ $30.00 each.
Euphorbia mammilaris variegated sm - The attractive variegated form is easily recognized for its stem which is subtle-cream to frosty greenish-white colored and splashed with emerald green. In cold temperatures, stems become blushed with delicate rose. Nursery origin. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 in stock @ $10.00 each.
Euphorbia mammilaris variegated lg - The attractive variegated form is easily recognized for its stem which is subtle-cream to frosty greenish-white colored and splashed with emerald green. In cold temperatures, stems become blushed with delicate rose. Nursery origin. Growing in 4 1/2" pots. 2 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia mayurnathanii variegata xlg #1 -
Is characterized by its beautiful varying colors. This plant displays a blend of
white and green shades that give the leaf a striking and attractive appearance.
Besides, this type typically grows a columnar trunk. The stems are covered with
small thorns, this contributes to its unique appearance. India. These are nice
size cutting from our
mother plant. Growing in 6" pots. #1 @ $40.00.
Euphorbia mayurnathanii variegata xlg #2 - Is characterized by its beautiful varying colors. This plant displays a blend of white and green shades that give the leaf a striking and attractive appearance. Besides, this type typically grows a columnar trunk. The stems are covered with small thorns, this contributes to its unique appearance. India. These are nice size cutting from our mother plant. Growing in 6" pots. #2 @ $45.00.
Euphorbia meloformis ssp. valida sm - The parent plant to all these seed babies came from the nursery Out of Africa a few decades ago, labeled Euphorbia meloformis ssp. valida Large Form. They got large bigger then a softball and never made any offsets. Although some consider Euphorbia valida as synonymous with Euphorbia meloformis, E. valida has more persistent peduncles, leading to a bristly appearance, and the mature plants are much taller than E. meloformis. It has round banded stems with 8 to 12 ribs. The variegations on the plant body are a little less striking than E. meloformis. The fruit is a dry capsule that "explodes" when it turns mature, catapulting the seeds that it contains (usually 3) up to several meters away from the mother plant. South Africa. Seed grown. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 8 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Euphorbia neriifolia crest lg - Crest forming thick succulent flutes and grooves appearing to be made from melted wax. Nursery Origin. Cutting from our old mother plant. Growing in a 4 1/2" pot. 1 @ $20.00.
Euphorbia neriifolia crest xlg - Crest forming thick succulent flutes and grooves appearing to be made from melted wax. Nursery Origin. Cutting from our old mother plant. Growing in a 6" pot. 1 @ $38.00.
Euphorbia neriifolia crest xlg - Crest forming thick succulent flutes and grooves appearing to be made from melted wax. Nursery Origin. Cutting from our old mother plant. Growing in a 6" pot. 1 @ $50.00.
Euphorbia neriifolia variegated sm - Normal cuttings of our variegated mother plant. Nursery origin. Growing in 2'75" pots. 3 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia obesa sm - It is highly succulent solitary plant without spines or leaves that looks like a green-brown football, but will sometimes 'branch' or sucker, creating very odd looking clusters of spheres. Euphorbia obesa is a wonderful example of convergent evolution. Cross pollination between a male and a female plant is required to produce seeds. This plant resembles the cactus Astrophytum asterias. South Africa. Seed grown. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia obesa X enopla sm - Came to me with this name. Not to sure on how they will look like when there big. Nursery origin. 3 in stock $15.00 each.
Euphorbia pseudocactus lg - Is a multi-branched, dwarf-stemmed succulent shrub that, as its name suggests, resembles a cactus. The stems often have distinctive yellow V-shaped markings. Its ribs come usually four angular with wavy edges and sinuate teeth. Flowers small yellow. KwaZulu - Natal. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 3 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia pseudocactus ssp. lyttoniana m - Is a very beautiful spineless variant (or cultivar) of Euphorbia pseudocactus with attractively squared stems and a pale green and yellow marbled epidermis and not really qualifying as a columnar Euphorbia. This semi-dwarf, upright mutant was selected from cultivated material and retains its spineless characteristic only by cuttings. E. lyttoniana is slower growing and tends to form closely spaced, compact colonies that can reach nearly 15" in height and about 3" in diameter. Nursery Origin. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pot. 1 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia pseudocactus 'Zig Zag' m - This is a larger form of the E. pseudocactus. Nursery origin. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pot. 3 @ $18.00 each.
Euphorbia stellispina sm - Is a spiny succulent shrub branching from the base. The plant can produce massive, impressive clumps with up to twenty branches heavily armed with red-brown spines. The “spines” have a peculiar star-like appearance so characteristic of the species. Flowers light yellow. Southern Africa. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in 2.75" pots. 3 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Euphorbia tescorum blue form lg - Beautiful bluish-gray coloring with black spines. Makes a beautiful plant when it starting making stems from the base. Kenya & Ethiopia. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in 4 1/2" pots. 3 in stock @ $38.00 each.
Euphorbia tortilis spiralis lg - Spiraling twisted short segmented branches and stems with extremely short, hard and sharp spines. Good for potted patio plant. India.
Euphorbia trigona 'Rubra Twist' m - There exists an attractive cultivated variant Euphorbia trigona 'Rubra Twist' with twisted stems and leaves flushed dark purplish-red. Nursery Origin. These are cuttings from our old mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 10 in stock @ $25.00 each.
Euphorbia venefica x groenewaldii #5 - This is a cross that was created by my dear late friend Mike Keeling. To make this cross Euphorbia unspina and Euphorbia poissonii was also used. These are seed grown. When I re-potted these into the 6" pots I found them to have caudex like main stem. So I raised it some to show it off. When growing in the spring and summer they may have small green leaves. When they go dormant in the winter they will drop their leaves. Nursery origin. Growing in a 6" pot. #5 @ $140.00.
Euphorbia venefica x groenewaldii #6 - This is a cross that was created by my dear late friend Mike Keeling. To make this cross Euphorbia unspina and Euphorbia poissonii was also used. These are seed grown. When I re-potted these into the 6" pots I found them to have caudex like main stem. So I raised it some to show it off. When growing in the spring and summer they may have small green leaves. When they go dormant in the winter they will drop their leaves. Nursery origin. Growing in a 6" pot. #6 @ $140.00.
Euphorbia venefica x groenewaldii m - These are cuttings from our Euphorbia venefica x groenewaldii stock plants. Nersery onigi. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 12 in stock @ $20.00 each.
Euphorbia 'White Ball Project' sm - Offsets from my M2G "White Ball Project". These are offsets from our old mother plant. Nursery origin. Growing in 2.75" pots. 19 in stock @ $20.00 each.
Monadenium lugardiae sm - An up-right grower stem succulent with broad conical tubercles on the stems and yellow-green leaves at the growing tips. Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Growing in 2.75" pots. 3 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Monadenium rennyii m - Up right grower. Leaves and stems will have a reddish green color. Kenya. Cutting from our mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 5 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Monadenium ritchiei ssp. nyambensis sm - Is a small clumping perennial succulent, with a thick fleshy rootstock that form large compact clumps with time. It is a dwarf subspecies distinguished by shorter, thinker and more numerous stems which are very knobby and erect. The leaves are glabrous and has deep pink flowers. Eastern Africa, Kenya. Cuttings from our mothe plant. Growing in 2.75" pots. 18 in stock at $15.00 each.
Monadenium schubei ssp. schubei m - Somewhat an up-right grower. Kenya & Tanzania. Cuttings from our stock plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 3 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Monadenium stoloniferum ssp. stoloniferum m - Forms underground stolon's from a large woody caudex. That caudex consists of tubers that propagate laterally, forming a large grouping. The leaves are purple tinged and very pretty, which makes up for the greenish-yellow bracts and cyathia. These plants are rooted caudex divisions from our mother plants. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 2 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Monadenium stoloniferum ssp. stoloniferum sm - Forms underground stolon's from a large woody caudex. That caudex consists of tubers that propagate laterally, forming a large grouping. The leaves are purple tinged and very pretty, which makes up for the greenish-yellow bracts and cyathia. These plants are rooted caudex divisions from our mother plants. Growing in 2.75" pots. 12 @ $15.00 each.