
I am not a professional nor an expert in Cactacea or Mammillaria taxonomy. Any help with ID and spelling are always welcome. To up-date my list I've been using many books, journals, catalogs and other web-sites. It's been helpful, but I have more work to do. We only ship to the main 48 States. We are offering 72+ hour heat packs for $4.00 each. Please read the front page for ordering information. Please list the name, size (sm-small, m-medium, lg-large, xlg- extra large.) and price of the plant.

Note: Photos were taking November, 2024.

Mammillaria and Family

     Cochemiea halei m -  It has long scarlet flowers, with characteristic backward curled petals. Clumping in time. Magdalena Island, Lower California. Propagated from our old large collection plant. Growing in 4 1/2" pots. 6 in stock @ $20.00 each.

   Cochemiea poselgeri lg - Is a cereus like cactus, forming large clumps from a central tuberous rootstock, spreading or sometimes pendent from rocks or creeping over the ground. Really it doesn't looks like a Mammillaria at all. Bright scarlet or red-orange rather unique in shape and appearance. San Borgia, Baja California, Mexico. Growing in 4 1/2" pots. 4 in stock @ $20.00 each.

   Cochemiea setispina m - Sometime found as Cochemies pondii ssp. setispina. The flowers are very showy, long, red, narrowly tubular with bilateral symmetry and fit for hummingbird pollination. Propagated from one of our old large collection plants. Mexico in the interior of Baja California. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 4 in stock @ $18.00 each.

   Coryphyantha ramillosa m - Not sure of the name on this one. Clumping. Don't recall the flower color. Texas USA & Mexico. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 3 in stock @ $15.00 each.

   Coryphyantha retusa m - Is a small greyish-green cactus thickly covered with tawny wool. Many of the yellowish-brown spines are curved backward. The flowers are deep yellow and borne from the center of the plant. Bell shaped, cream or yellow flowers. Mexico. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 2 in stock @ $15.00 each.

   Epithelantha micromeris ssp unguispina sm - This one is similar to the type species but usually a little larger and free clustering with a distinct, slightly long projecting black-tipped central spines, also the pink flowers are larger than the others. Propagated from our old grafted mother plant. Mexico. Growing in 2.75" pots. 7 in stock @ $15.00 each.

   Escobaria hesteri black spine form sm - Sometime listed as Coryphantha heateri. It's a dwarf cactus will offsetting to form clusters with age. Flowers near the top of the stems, gorgeous deep rose-purple to magenta with a paler throat. Southwestern Texas. Propagated from our old large collection plants. Growing in 2.75" pots. 5 in stock @ $10.00 each.. 

   Escobaria vivipara X Escobaria sneedii sm - Looks like a large headed Escobaria with a slit pinkish-brown color to the spines tips. Clumping with pink flowers. Propagated from a very old large collection plant. Nursery origin. Propagated from our large collection plant. Growing in 2.75"pots. 5 in stock a @ $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria bocasana monstrose/crest 'Fred' sm - This monstrose can also make crested stems. Spineless green blobs. Depends on what time of the year they can have white, pink and red growing tips. All growing on there own roots. Flowers are cream color and can make red seed pods. Nursery origin. Propagated from a our old large collection plants. Growing in 2.75" pots. 13 in stock @ $18.00 each.

   Mammillaria bocasana ssp roseiflora m - Ia clump-forming cactus with globular to cylindrical stems covered with clusters of numerous white hair-like radial spies and one reddish-brown central hooked spines. Mexico. Photo of larger plant in flower. Propagated from our old large collection plants. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 7 in stock @ $15.00 each.

   Mammillaria boolii sm -  Seed grown. Clumping plants with soft, green or grey-green epidermis. Large pink flowers. The fruit are red, thin-skinned and often break off from a basal pore rather than falling whole, like in most Mammillaria. Mexico. Growing in 2.75" pots. 5 in stock @ $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria carmenae form rubiflora m - Is a small solitary or clustering cactus with globose stems. Flowers are creamy white to pink or pale pink with pink tinged midribs. Nursery origin. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 10 in stock @ $15.00 each.

      Mammillaria compressa ssp. centralifera m - It distinguishes for the presence of long central spines, usually one, sometimes two, and for the greater amount of axillary wool. Bright purple-pink flowers. These are offsets from our old crested plant so these may make a crest? Mexico. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 21 in stock @ $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria compressa variegated sm - Cool plant. The variegation can show on many forms. These are offsets from our old mother plant. Nursery origin.  Growing in 2.75" pots. 9 in stock $30.00 each.

   Mammillaria crinita ssp painteri monstrose sm - It is a well known cultivar characterized by very reduced bristly or absent spines, free branching, and small pink flowers.
It is a small low growing plant that offsets from the base to form a small cluster or mound. Propagated from a our old collection plants. Nursery origin. Growing in 2.75" pots. 4 @ $20.00 each.

   Mammillaria duwei sm - This is a small solitary rarely offsetting plants that eventually forms tiny mounds. Flowers are yellowish/cream to light yellow. Mexico. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 in stock @ $15.00 each.

Mammillaria elongata minina monstrose #1 m - This monstrose form has stems that are under a half inch with tiny burst of monstrose spines, cream colored flowers. They will make red monstrose growths. Nursery origin. Propagated from our old large collection plants. Growing in 3 1/2' pots.  2 in stock @ $15.00 each.

   Mammillaria elongata minina monstrose #2 sm - This monstrose form #2 form. Tiny balls with star-burst spines, cream colored flowers. Nursery origin. Propagated from a very old large collection plant. Growing in 2.75" pots. 3 in stock $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria formosa ssp. chionocephala sm - Is an attractive globose pincushion cactus simple or rarely proliferous, sometimes 10 cm in diameter and typically wrapped on the upper part with a dense snow-white wool, so that only the tips of the tubercles visible. Each head is surrounded by a complete ring of star-like pink flowers. Even without flowers it is an extremely attractive plant, and one of the most beautiful Mammillarias. Young plants start producing their wool only when they reach the flowering stage. There are several similar looking Mammillarias but far from being so woolly like the real "chionocephala". Mexico. Growing in 2.75" pots. 9 in stock @ $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria geminispina ssp. nobilis sm - This plant is easily recognized for its long white spines that cover the new growth. It will continue to put on more and more heads, as well as more white cotton topping. The heads form mounds that seem stacked on top of each other. Flowers are pinkish to carmine red. Mexico.  Propagated from one of our old large collection plant. Growing in a 2.75" pot. 5 in stock @ $13.00.

    Mammillaria geminispina ssp. nobilis m - This plant is easily recognized for its long white spines that cover the new growth. It will continue to put on more and more heads, as well as more white cotton topping. The heads form mounds that seem stacked on top of each other. Flowers are pinkish to carmine red. Mexico.  Propagated from one of our old large collection plant. Growing in a 3 1/2" pot. 9 in stock @ $18.00.

   Mammillaria herrerae sm -  Is small growing cactus that look like a little golf ball. The most striking feature is dense pressed, white spination it possesses, which serve to protect it from the harsh sun common to its native habitat. More precisely the spines benefit the plant by reducing sun exposure and by trapping a layer of air next to the cactus body. This helps to cool the plant in the summer and keep it warm in the winter. Flowers quite large for a Mammillaria, pale pink to red-violet, very showy. This are offsets from our old mother plant. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 in stock @ $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria lasiacantha ssp. magallanii sm - A small slow growing species with tight white spines that look like a little golf ball. It has attractive little creamy brown blooms and red fruit. The most striking feature is the dense addpressed, white spination it possesses, which serve to protect it from the harsh sun common to its native habitat. More precisely the spines benefit the plant by reducing sun exposure and by trapping a layer of air next to the cactus body. This helps to cool the plant in the summer and keep it warm in the winter. Mexico. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 in stock @ $15.00 each.

    Mammillaria longimamma ssp. uberiformis m - Clustering very young and forming dense clumps. No Central spine for the var. uberiformis. Flowers large bright yellow. Thick taproots, larger in upper portion. Mexico. Propagated from one of our old large collection plants. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 3 @ $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria longimamma ssp. uberiformis lg - Clustering very young and forming dense clumps. No Central spine for the var. uberiformis. Flowers large bright yellow. Thick taproots, larger in upper portion. Mexico. Propagated from one of our old large collection plants. Growing in 4 1/2" pots. 11 in stock @ $15.00 each.

   Mammillaria longimamma monstrose variegated m - Plant came to me with this name. I holding back a few to see what they do. Came with a very pale green color. Clustering very young and forming dense clumps. Flowers large bright yellow. Nursery origin. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 2 in stock @ $20.00 each.

   Mammillaria mazatlanensi sm - Is a cylindrical cactus, with reddish brown spines and large bright purple flowers with green stigmas. Often forming broad clumps with many heads. Mexico. Propagated from one of our old large collection plants. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 in stock @ $10.00 each.

   Mammillaria multidigitata m -Is endemic to San Pedro Nolasco Island in Mexico, where it grows on steep slopes. From spring to early summer it sprouts white to cream colored flowers with yellow-green stigma, orange pollen and reddish-orange seed pots. Propagated from our large collection plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 5 @ $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria proliflera ssp. roseiflora sm - Clump forming. All white spines, no hooked spines. Flowers bright pink and red seed pods. Make fewer red seed pods as the ssp. texana. Un-know origin. Propagated from one of our old large collection plants. Growing in 2.75" pots. 15 in stock @ $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria rekoi ssp. leptacantha sm -  Slowly clustering. Flowers purple, generally with darker midribs.  Finely bristly, needle-like, white to golden yellow 4-6, much stouter than the radials, yellow, amber or brown, sometimes twisted. Mexico. Propagated from one of our old large collection plants. Growing in 2.75" pots. 3 @ $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria sphaerica sm - Is a small, light green spherical cactus, forming mounds or clumps with 30-40 or more branches.  Flowers are broad, funnel-form, fragrant, brilliant lemon yellow. Propagated from our large collection plants. Texas & Mexico. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 3 in stock @$15.00 each.

   Mammillaria surculosa sm- It's a low-growing spreading cactus forming crowded mats of small heads and relatively large, bright yellow, lemon scented flowers. Mexico. Propagated from one of our very old large collection plants. Growing in 2.75" pots. 27 in stock @ $10.00 each.

   Mammillaria surculosa m - It's a low-growing spreading cactus forming crowded mats of small heads and relatively large, bright yellow, lemon scented flowers. Mexico. Propagated from one of our very old large collection plants. Growing in a 3 1/2" pot. 2 in stock @ $15.00 each.

   Mammillaria voburnensis ssp. eichlamii sm -  Plant-body yellowish-green, with  the yellow wool in the axils of the tubercles and in the areoles. Flower-buds covered with long wool cream colored flowers. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Mexico. Growing in 2.75" pots. 13 in stock @ $13.00 each.

   Mammillaria ziilmanniana monstrose 'Wacky Fred' stage 1 sm - It does some wacky things! Propagated from one of our very old large collection plants. Growing in 2.75" pots. 12 in stock @ $13.00 each.

   Neolloydia conoidea ssp. grandiflora sm - Clustering with woolly bodies. Large pink purple flowers. Texas & Mexico. Propagated from our old grafted collection plant. Growing in 2.75" pots. 3 in stock @ $13.00 each.
