I am not a professional nor an expert in this plant group taxonomy. Any help with ID and spelling are always welcome. Photos are for reference only. To up-date my list I've been using many books, journals, catalogs and other web-sites. It's been helpful, but I have more work to do. I only ship to the main 48 States. I do ship in the winter months. I can add 72+ hour heat packs for $4.00 each. No international shipping. Please read the front page for ordering information.
Note: These photos where taken December, 2024. This is Page 1.
Other Cactus Page 1
Ariocarpus retusus m - Commonly known as the "Star Rock" is one of the largest species that distinguishes for the fat triangular tubercles forming a starry rosette. It is a widespread and extremely variable plant. Tubercle size and shape vary widely, a terminal areole is sometimes present at the tip. The vast amount of phenotypic variation in the species has led to the erection of several variants and has received numerous unnecessary names of no botanical value. Solitary, slow growing geophyte cactus with tubercles slightly projecting above ground level. The flat tuberous body is below the soil. Flowers white to pink (or magenta), occasionally with reddish midribs. Mexico. Seed grown in the USA. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 8 in stock @ $40.00 each.
Aztekium hintonii grafted xlg - This is a very old graft that has some scaring. It is a solitary globular to shortly columnar cactus (rarely clustering forming clumps of a few heads ). Flowers are magenta borne at the stem tip, flower tube basally woolly. Is a narrowly endemic species restricted to a very small area in Galeana, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Nursery origin. Seed grown and grafted by MK. Growing in a 6" pot. 1 @ $100.00. SOLD
Blossfeldia liliputana grafted m - Is a solitary or clumping miniature cactus, with no rib and no spines. The smallest of all cacti and one of the most priced by impassioned, but rarely seen on its own roots in cultivation for any length of time. Although several species of Blossfeldia with minimal differences have been described (as many as six), most botanist agree on the fact that all the ones described until now should all be included in the Blossfeldia liliputana. Flower are white or pinkish (yellow) and self fertile. Bolivia. Nursery origin. Grafted by MK. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 2 in stock @ $30.00 each.
Discocactus buenekeri sm - This is one of tiniest cactus which is a true miniature and one of the smallest species in the genus. It is a mature specimen, and it’s only 4/5 cm high and wide. It won’t get any larger. Since it is mature, it puts all its energy into producing the little woolly top, or cephalium. Cream-white, with heavenly scent, slender funnelform, up to 9 cm long. The position of the stigma is at the top of the stamens. The bud appears, grows and opens all within 24 hrs. Each flowering lasts only one night, but that night it produces many flowers. Brazil. Offsets from our mother plants. Growing in2.75" pots. 5 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Discocactus ferricola sm - Is a small flattish globular cactus from Brazil and Bolivia that flowers on warm summer nights. At first plants are solitary and produces a small creamy-brown cephalium, a structure formed by trichomes (woolly hairs) from which emerge the tubular, white, sweetly scented flowers. Older specimen may eventually produce some offsets after making a cephalium. Flattened to globose, dark green in the period of growth; in winter the epidermis can have a reddish tinge. Brazil and Bolivia. Offsets from our mother plant. Growing in 2.75" pots. 10 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Discocactus ferricola m - Is a small flattish globular cactus from Brazil and Bolivia that flowers on warm summer nights. At first plants are solitary and produces a small creamy-brown cephalium, a structure formed by trichomes (woolly hairs) from which emerge the tubular, white, sweetly scented flowers. Older specimen may eventually produce some offsets after making a cephalium. Flattened to globose, dark green in the period of growth; in winter the epidermis can have a reddish tinge. Brazil and Bolivia. Offsets from our mother plant. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 8 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Discocactus zehntneri ssp. araneispinus m - Is a squat small solitary plant. Two subspecies are recognized, the typical form and subsp. boomianus (Buining & Brederoo) N.P.Taylor & Zappi. Both subspecies - in culture - produce many offsets. Flowers are white, scented, slender funnel form. The position of the stigma is at the top of the stamens. Each flowering lasts only one night, but that night it produces many flowers. Brazil. Offsets from our mother plants. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 10 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Eriosyce islayensis m - Is a small cactus with very woolly areoles end dark spreading spines, it is indeed very variable and has received many names, but it is clear from fieldworks that the different wild populations constitute a single but multiform species. Flowers are wide funnel form, yellow color, born on younger areoles from a yellowish woolly crown in summer. Northern Chile to southern Peru. Seed grown in the USA. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 0 in stock @ $18.00 each. SOLD OUT
Ericsyce occulta m - Small-growing plant with low, spineless (or spiny), dark purple to almost black stem. Stems are flat, solitary, mostly underground, slowly clumping as it ages. The unusual coloring ranges from pale pinkish-grey to a deep purple (or almost black). Tuberous root. Spineless or spiny with shorter radials. All the spines tend to fall as the plant ages. The spineless form is more popular with collectors Flowers are large, silky, whitish, yellowish to pinkish orange. Northern Chile. Seed grown in the USA. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 9 in stock @ $20.00 each.
Ericsyce senolis ssp. coimasensis lg - An extremely variable species, the body of the plant is dark green with numerous ribs and gray-brown spines. The flowers are relatively large and magenta. Southern Peru. Seed grown in the USA. Growing in 4 1/2" pots. 2 in stock @ $20.00 each.
Ericsyce senolis ssp. coimasensis lg - An extremely variable species, the body of the plant is dark green with numerous ribs and gray-brown spines. The flowers are relatively large and magenta. Southern Peru. Seed grown in the USA. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 6 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Ericsyce taltalensis ssp. violaciflora m - Is a spiny geophytic cactus with solitary (or sometime branching) stems rising barely above ground level (in habitat). It shows a certain degree of variability depending on origin. Spines variable, tannish-brown, dull grey-brown or black, somewhat glaucous except at apex turning chalky white or grey as they ages, straight to curved. Flowers are larger, fuchsia-purple, pink, pale yellow, creamy white to white. Has a relatively wide range from Antofagasta south to Caldera (coastal Atacama Desert) Atacama, Chile. Seed grown in the USA. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 10 in stock 2 $18.00 each.
Ericsyce jussieui m - Plant needs good light to maintain the dark purple color. This plant has had several name changes. This is the name they came what. Seed grown in the USA. 9 in stock @ $18.00 each.
Frailea pseudograhliana sm - Small green plants with soft spines. Most Fraileas are autogamous, or self-fertile to their own pollen and self-fertilization occurs in the closed flower. They produces viable seeds without the flower having opened. This phenomenon is called cleistogamy. Flowers will open when grown in very good light. Paraguay to Argentina. Seedlings from our old mother plant. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 in stock @ $13.00 each. SOLD
Gymnocactus roseanus lg - This uncommon cactus, has tiny, soft egg-shaped stems and will slowly form small clusters with dense golden spines. Sometimes found as Acharagma roseanum, often misspelled: "roseana" is a small clumping plant with bronze-rose coloured flowers at the stem tips. Two subspecies are recognized, the nominate form and subsp. galeanense (Haugg) D.R.Hunt. Note: Acharagma is a genus formed by only two small species of cacti: Acharagma roseana and Acharagma aguirreana from northern Mexico. This plants previously classificated as Escobaria are instead related to Pediocactus and Lophophora, DNA sequence clearly support the hypothesis that Acharagma is a distinct ‘good’ genus not closely related to Escobaria. The flowers are at the stem tips, and range from pink with bronze-rose coloured midveins to cream-yellowish. Mexico. Offsets from our old mother plant. Growing in 4 1/2" pots. 2 in stock @ $28.00 each.
Matucana aureiflora sm - Is a flattened to globular cactus with spines that are curl around is body. Flowers are yellow to golden, several flushes, in spring and summer. Peru. Seed grown in the USA. Growing in 2.75" pots. 4 in stock $13.00 each.
Matucana aurantiaca ssp. polzii variegata sm - Is a relatively small clustering cactus with a strange squat stems. It offsets strongly, with even small heads covered with numerous pups reaching only 2-5 cm across. In age forms huge cushion up to 30-40 cm in diameter whit hundreds of heads. The spines are short, pectinase and widely spaced. Spherical more or less flattened, grass-green, to 5 cm high and 8 cm in diameter branching basally and from the sides. Side shoots often very numerous and smaller. Flowers are funnel-shaped, slightly curved, dark carmine red to orange. Peru. Offsets from our old mother plant. Growing in 2.75" pots. 2 in stock @ $13.00 each.
Matucana madisoniorum m - Is an attractive small globular plant with ribs resembling Lophophora, the ones that lack spines look so much like peyote that the uninformed may think they actually are. Forming at the apex from new areoles, zygomorphic tending to lean on one side, bright orange-red with an almost fluorescent sheen making them quite attractive, 3,5 cm in diameter, and slightly longer 5-7 (10) cm long. The buds start as little white/grey furry balls. Occurs in an extremely single restricted area of no more than 16 km2 in the Amazonas region Peru. Seed grown in the USA. Growing in 3 1/2" pots. 0 in stock @ $18.00 each. SOLD OUT
Matucana madisoniorum sm - Is an attractive small globular plant with ribs resembling Lophophora, the ones that lack spines look so much like peyote that the uninformed may think they actually are. Forming at the apex from new areoles, zygomorphic tending to lean on one side, bright orange-red with an almost fluorescent sheen making them quite attractive, 3,5 cm in diameter, and slightly longer 5-7 (10) cm long. The buds start as little white/grey furry balls. Occurs in an extremely single restricted area of no more than 16 km2 in the Amazonas region Peru. Seed grown in the USA. Growing in 2.75" pots. 4 in stock @ $15.00 each.
Neochilenia lissocarpus sm - This came to me decades ago as Neochilenia lissocarpus 'Twist'. The original mother plant grow in a twist or spiral. Made cutting from it for years. Then the old mother plant stopped making twist. So I just propagated what was left of the offsets. I'm sure this plant an name by now. Nursery origin. Offsets from our old mother plant. Growing in 2.75" pots. 5 in stock @ $15.00 each.